Showing: 21 - 30 of 35 RESULTS
Full-time RVing

Curtain Barrier

Last summer, when we were traveling from CO back to FL, in the extreme heat, Robert and I were discussing that we should put some sort of curtain to separate the cab from the rest of the coach to try to keep the cool air up front while we traveled.  We not only used the …

Full-time RVing

RV Bath

Having a white vehicle is a pain.  It seems to get grimy quickly.  The last time Robert gave the RV a good bath was when we were still living at our rental house.  We are parked under a couple of live oak trees and those tiny leaves get everywhere.  He has swept  the roof several …

Wiener Tales

Oscar, what did you do?

  Traveling with dogs, you want to be careful that they don’t push any buttons or mess with any knobs.  When we first got our RV, I was concerned about the air brake button.  It’s located just above the driver’s side arm rest and to release the brake, you push down.  I was convinced that …