I slept in because of this time change. I still not used to it.

Gayla had a podcasts interview this morning. Luckily Starlink provided a usable service to do this with video and audio.

After the interview we did some rearranging of Clifford to take full advantage of the sunshine to charge our batteries. This place has a lot of great shade but that doesn’t help with solar power. Also did some inventory of our garage bay.

We had a small snack about 1pm.

Since the sun was shining we wanted to stay outside, so we decided to go take a hike on the North Country National Scenic Trail. We hiked out 1.25 miles. We looked at Gaia GPS and it showed another trail just up the road a bit. We hiked up the road till we found the other trail that would take us back to Clifford. Round trip was 2.52 miles of hiking.

After our hike I set up the HF station out on the picnic table to activate K-4583 Manistee National Forest again. Actually made contact with Earl on 20m and 30m bands on FT8. After about 26 contacts I shut it down and packed up.

I cooked us up some supper. Gayla prepared us some marinated steaks for tomorrow night in some balsamic vinegar and olive oil concoction. We listened to a local VHF net that was going on while eating supper.

After supper Gayla did some preparations for work tomorrow and I did some saddle stitching on the holster repair while listening to Tom Russell station on Pandora radio.

Tomorrow starts our work week.

0 miles driven today

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