Hackleman CemetaryToday, while working, Robert, got sidetracked with a post from Facebook friend, Paul Stickley.   Paul posted a photo of some relatives from long ago.  The photo was of a mom and four children whose last name happened to be Scrivener.  Paul’s mother was one of the children pictured.  Paul and Robert went back and forth with questions and information piecing things together.

Paul explained there was a Sarah Scrivener Smith that came to Missouri from Tennessee and was one of the first settlers west of St. Charles, MO at Boone’s Lick near Boonville, MO in 1809.  Her son, Obadiah, settled north of Stockton.  By Paul’s description of where Obadiah lived was near Cedar Springs.  That’s just a few miles from where we are now in Caplinger Mills!Obediah Smith

With a little research, we found that Obadiah was buried in Hackleman Cemetery, just three miles away!  It was getting dark, so we decided to drop everything and take a break from the office and see if we could find his headstone.

It’s an old cemetery and many of the stones were so worn that you couldn’t read the names.  We were thinking it was a long shot to find it, but might as well try.  Without much effort, on the first row I was exploring, there he was.  Born October 12, 1806, Died April 18, 1863.

Paul’s Grandfather and Robert’s Great-Grandfather were brothers, so that is their family connection.  Robert is still searching the connection of Sarah back from his blood line.  Robert’s passion for genealogy certainly has been rejuvenated today.

I tease Robert saying that he seems to be related to everyone, but at least we weren’t related (before marriage, that is).  I thought I was safe that I came from Cedar County and he wouldn’t have any relatives here.  Oh, how wrong I was.  Now, I’m half expecting him to come up with some long lost relative that somehow is crossed with MY family tree.


Hackleman Cemetary 2  Hackleman Cemetary 3