Showing: 21 - 27 of 27 RESULTS
RoofTop Tent Living

Our Adventure Begins

The Subaru is packed and ready to go. Robert has rigged up our power supply for our little travel refrigerator and our traveling office. That consists of two extra 12v AGM Deep Cycle batteries, an inverter and several connectors that do a lot of cool things. He had been busy with the prep work for …

Full-time RVing

Time to Downsize Again!

We’ve been living in our 38-foot Alfa SeeYa for four years now. At first we put several miles on it because we needed to be in different parts of the country. We seemed to have settled back near family in Missouri. We’ve enjoyed ourselves and have worked hard building a business. Our business is designed …

Full-time RVing Missouri

Adventurous or Redneck?

For weeks, Robert has been surfing the web for rooftop tents for the Jeep.  He’s itching to go where no RV will go.  I have to admit, rooftop tents are cool, and someday I’m sure we’ll have one.  In the mean time, Robert had other ideas.  Recently, we were visiting family in St. Louis.  Robert …